In the current scenario, our society faces several challenges, among which the difficulty of securing timely and appropriate matrimonial alliances stands out. This issue primarily stems from the disregard for religious criteria in favor of arbitrary standards. Additionally, the problem is compounded by inexperienced matchmaking or overlooking religious benchmarks, leading to incompatible unions that eventually dissolve.

The neglect of Islamic principles in arranging marriages has led to an increase in divorces, the disintegration of families, and the detrimental impact on children. It’s distressing to see lives being disrupted, with women and men alike facing undue hardships.

The situation has reached a point where both families of potential brides and grooms are plagued with the concern of finding a suitable match that preserves the family unity without leading the groom to estrange his family.

To address these challenges and safeguard against the adverse outcomes of ill-advised decisions, there’s a pressing need for professional marriage counseling.

While individuals have taken it upon themselves to offer such services, a structured effort at the national level is conspicuously absent.

Acknowledging this gap, Tanzeemul Makatib has embarked on offering a
Marriage Counseling Service
aimed at leveraging its extensive national network to facilitate appropriate matrimonial matches. This initiative also intends to mitigate the issues of women remaining unmarried due to the lack of suitable proposals or being compelled to accept unsuitable matches.

Through this service, it is hoped that the trend of marriages falling apart due to incompatible pairings or non-Islamic values and beliefs can be reversed, thereby preventing the disintegration of families and protecting children from adverse consequences.

This Website is Under Development Tanzeemul Makatib Ki Madad Kijiye Aur Tanzeemul Makatib Se Madad Lijiye.